MJQ Concourse is located at Underground Atlanta.
50 Lower Alabama St Suite 001, Atlanta, GA 30303
Uber Drop Off at 50 Upper Alabama St
When you are dropped off head down to the courtyard behind the white building on the corner. Walk down the steps, through the water fountains, down to the court yard. Go down to the lower level and walk through the glass doors on the far right. Once you enter the lower level of underground, make a left, and walk to the end. You will look to right once you get to end and see a hatch in front of a Coca Cola mural. Yep, that’s us.
Parking Deck at Parking Deck A
77 Martin Luther King Jr Dr SW Garage
Park as close to parking deck level 3. At parking deck level 3 you will cross a bridge over to Kenny’s Alley. When you get to the set of stairs, go down to the lower level and make a left. Do not go through Masquerade security. Follow the walkway till you dead end and make right. Go left up the rainbow stairs. Once inside, make a left and look for the hatch in front of the Coca Cola mural.